We tend to think that everything in the health food store is healthy, right?
Unfortunately, there are TONS of toxins hiding in products on the shelves of your local health food store.
In order to improve the color, smell, and stability of these oils, anti-oxidant chemicals are added to the oil solution. These chemicals include BHA, BHT, and TBHQ which have been linked to hormone disruption, immune system suppression, and cancer.
BHA and BHT are both banned in the UK, Japan, and many European countries because of their harmful carcinogenic properties…
So where do these oils hide and what products should we replace them with?
These seed oils are EVERYWHERE! Most restaurants, fast food companies, and packaged foods contain seed oils.
It's no surprise that Chipotle, Chick Fil A, McDonalds, Taco Bell and pretty much every single fast food restaurant use seed oils such as canola oil, safflower oil, rice oil, and sunflower oil.
We also find seed oils in popular conventional snack and convenience products such as Clif Bars, Cheez-Its, fruit snacks, breads, Lean Cuisine, Nestle coffee creamer, Marie Callender frozen meals…and the list goes on and on….
More shockingly, many of the products found in your local health food store contain seed oils!
Here are a few examples…
Whole Foods hot bar foods are almost all made with Canola oil.
Annie Organic Cheddar Squares are made with sunflower oil
Amy's Kitchen Organic frozen meals contain safflower and sunflower oil
Organic Late July Tortilla Chips contain safflower and sunflower oil
Skinny Pop contains sunflower oil
Caulipower Cauliflower Pizza contains sunflower oil
Whole Foods Pepperoni Frozen Pizza contains soybean oil
Kind Breakfast Bars contain canola oil
Udi's Gluten Free Bread contains canola oil
Unfortunately this list of “healthy” products that use seed oils goes on and on…
But there are some AWESOME brands that do not use seed oils!
Siete Products - tortilla chips, potato chips, tortillas, cookies made with Avocado oil
Capello's Pizza
BreadSRLY Gluten Free Sourdough
Lesser Evil Popcorn, cookies, crackers
Rao's Lasagna, soups and pasta sauces
Mary's Gone Crackers
Pacific Foods Soups
Finding seed oils just takes reading labels! There are plenty of products out there that use clean ingredients and taste delicious!
So what kind of oils should you use when you're cooking?
My favorites are avocado oil, coconut oil, extra virgin olive oil, and ghee. Each of these oils has a different heat point and flavor.
Use olive oil more for salads and to drizzle on top of foods, while you can use avocado and coconut oil for medium and high heat!
I encourage you to take a look at the ingredients in some of your favorite products. If these products use seed oils, I encourage you to find a replacement that doesn't use any of these toxic oils.